Baltimore Living and Tips for a Seamless Transition

Baltimore Living and Tips for a Seamless Transition

Congratulations, you have been accepted, now comes the exciting reality of relocating to your new home in Baltimore. Know this process doesn’t have to be daunting. This new home will be a place where you will find comfort and rest after a long day or shift, and finding a place that can provide this safe space is essential.

As a recent transplant from Texas, I experienced the same excitement and nervousness of moving to Charm City. With my recent move, I spent many hours researching housing opportunities and wanted to provide you with some helpful tips that made my transition smooth and less stressful.


Here are a few tips to help make your move to Baltimore easy and seamless.

  1. Stay organized as you begin researching. While Baltimore does not have a competitive housing and rental market, there are many options, so stay organized with what types of housing you prefer, budget, location, etc.
  2. Be patient as you begin looking at housing options. Usually, tenants will give 60 days’ notice if they decide to move out; therefore, landlords may not know about availability until then. The longer you wait to begin looking for your next home, the more expensive housing can get. Be timely while also being patient.
  3. Familiarize yourself with Baltimore neighborhoods and Hopkins shuttle routes with proximity to the School of Nursing in mind.
  4. Consider reviewing the School of Nursing’s Baltimore Living and Housing Resources webpage, where you’ll find guides and housing resources to help locate rental properties.
  5. Know that an entire cohort of peers will be embarking on this transition with you. Attending Happy to Include You Hour and Accepted Students Day events will lend you the opportunity to connect with potential roommates and friends.
  6. Check out community resources like neighborhood-specific social media groups and other online community organizations as an opportunity to connect with other accepted students and potential roommates too.

The School of Nursing’s faculty, staff, and current students can’t wait for you to arrive. Take the time to appreciate this move as it marks the beginning of a new chapter for you as an individual and future nurse. 


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Brandon LeBlanc serves as the Assistant Director for (MSN Entry into Nursing) Recruitment at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. He has a passion for helping student’s bring life-long goals to life. Feel free to contact him with any questions regarding our nursing programs at 410-502-4132 or [email protected].

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